The shep­herd Dog from the Apuan Alps (com­mon­ly and sim­ply called: the “Apuan shep­herd”, but also known as “lit­tle Apuan wolf”, “Luni­gian­ian wolf”, and “home­grown shep­herd” has always been present on the high Tus­can and Lig­uri­an ter­ri­to­ries and has always been employed in work­ing with native sheep and goats (Zerasche, Mass­esi, Pietrasan­tine, Panine, Pon­tremole­si, Vagline, Barghi­giane, For­ne­si, as well as Cor­nelle and Pavulle­si sheep from the Emil­ian side, and the Apuan and Garfag­nine goats).

Vit­tori­no Meneghetti’s research shows that the Dog from the Apuan Alps, as well as oth­er dog’s herd­ing breeds present along the Alpine region (from Pied­mont to Trivene­to), descends direct­ly from the Alps’ Shep­herd, whose pres­ence has been found in the Camuni’s graf­fi­ti, in the high Lom­bar­dian Alps.

CLUB ITALIANO CANE DELLE ALPI APUANE | Località Castoglio, 12 | 54029 - Zeri (MS) C.F. 93267720238 | website by