Learn­ing Oppor­tu­ni­ties

Work with Ves­tige cura­tors and edu­ca­tors and gain expe­ri­ence in the muse­um field.

  • Learn about our mis­sion, col­lec­tions, and orga­ni­za­tion­al sys­tems
  • Gain prac­ti­cal and the­o­ret­i­cal train­ing in muse­um work
  • Con­tem­plate the role of muse­ums in con­tem­po­rary soci­ety
  • Work close­ly with a mem­ber of the Ves­tige staff
  • Attend cura­tor talks and a week­ly lec­ture series

Full Respon­sive Design

This tem­plate uis­ng Boot­strap 3x ver­sion with mobile first approach to make it read­i­ly avail­able for all devices.

Lots of Icons

Ves­tige comes with 900+ font icons includ­ing Font Awe­some com­plete set and 150+ out­lined icons.

3 Head­er Styles

3 Head­er styles are there for all type of needs with top­bar or not along with full widgth menu.

Mes­sage from Intern­ships Direc­tor

Each year the Ves­tige Muse­um of his­to­ry offers about 250 indi­vid­u­als of var­ied back­ground and ages the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn from and con­tribute to the work of the muse­um through its intern pro­gram.

Learn More

Our Pro­grams

12-Month Intern­ships, 2015–16

12 months intern­ship require a min­i­mum com­mit­ment of three days per week, one of which must be Tues­day. The sched­ule for the three days is 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. These intern­ships are offered dur­ing the school year, coin­cid­ing with the spring semes­ter. One must have a min­i­mum of one and a half years of col­lege com­plet­ed (or equiv­a­lent) by Jan­u­ary 2016 in order to apply.

Sea­son­al Pro­grams

  • Length12 Months
  • 2015 TermJune 1–August 7
  • Apply tillMay 13, 2015
  • Stipend$3000
  • Share

Sum­mer 2015 Intern­ships

Sum­mer intern­ships are full-time. The sched­ule is Monday–Friday, 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. These intern­ships are offered dur­ing the tra­di­tion­al sum­mer break. One must have a min­i­mum of two years of col­lege com­plet­ed (or equiv­a­lent) by sum­mer 2015 in order to apply.

Down­load appli­ca­tion form

How to Apply

Apply­ing is as easy as fill­ing any online form. We will be requir­ing your study cer­tifi­cates pri­or to enroll you in the pro­gram also a con­sent of par­ents is required as manda­to­ry.

These intern­ships are offered dur­ing the school year, coin­cid­ing with the fall semes­ter. One must have a min­i­mum of two years of col­lege com­plet­ed (or equiv­a­lent) by fall 2015 in order to apply.

Fre­quent­ly Asked Ques­tions

How to use boxed lay­out?

Ves­tige tem­plate offers boxed lay­out to users, this can be done in two ways. one is to add the css on all html page tem­plates or mak­ing a sin­gle change in style.css which will affect all pages at once:

Mak­ing changes to all html page tem­plates: By this method just open html tem­plates in any text edi­tor of your choice and put class “boxed” to body tag of all pages.

Mak­ing changes to style.css to affect all pages at once: By this method just open style.css file in any text edi­tor of your choice and remove all instances of .boxed from in front of body on line 1275, 1278, 1350 and that’s it!

How to use pat­trens back­ground for boxed ver­sion?

Ves­tige tem­plate comes with 30 pat­terns images that are inside images fold­er of the tem­plate pack­age. You can use al of the pat­tern as your pages body back­ground while using boxed ver­sion.

Using Twit­ter Feed Wid­get?

To enable the twit­ter wid­get you need to get some info from your twit­ter account and put it in the config.php file in nativechurch-theme > api fold­er as described there. Here are the steps to get the details need­ed for this:

  • Go to https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new and log in, if nec­es­sary
  • Sup­ply the nec­es­sary required fields, accept the TOS, and solve the CAPTCHA.
  • Sub­mit the form
  • Copy the con­sumer key (API key) and con­sumer secret from the screen into your appli­ca­tion
  • Ensure that your appli­ca­tion is con­fig­ured cor­rect­ly with the per­mis­sion lev­el you need (read-only, read-write, read-write-with-direct mes­sages).
  • On the application’s detail page, invoke the “Your access token” fea­ture to auto­mat­i­cal­ly nego­ti­ate the access token at the per­mis­sion lev­el you need.
  • Copy the indi­cat­ed access token and access token secret from the screen into your appli­ca­tion

How to change image place­hold­ers to real images?

You can eas­i­ly replace these hold­ers with your real images by just putting the same size image that you find in the link text of the place­hold­er “http://placehold.it/50x50&text=IMAGE+PLACEHOLDER” in the images fold­er. This exam­ple shows that this image will have to be 50px in width and 50px in height to look per­fect on the web­site. So the real image url will be “images/YOUR IMAGE NAME.jpg/gif/png

Start learn­ing today with us

Work with Ves­tige cura­tors and edu­ca­tors.

Enroll Today

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