The project to res­cue the native dog breed of the geo­graph­i­cal region known as “Apua­nia” began in 2010, when the fate of famous dog experts, includ­ing Vit­tori­no Meneghet­ti, led to the faith­ful com­pan­ion of the local shep­herds. It was clear since the begin­ning to the professional’s atten­tive eye, that what they had in front of them was a real race and so, when the fol­low­ing year they met the his­tor­i­cal shep­herd Francesco Jackin, they did not miss the oppor­tu­ni­ty. An inten­sive friend­ship was born from this meet­ing. The first spec­i­men was pur­chased and began the tor­tu­ous, LEG­GI TUT­TO

Le per­sone con cui abbi­amo col­lab­o­ra­to rac­con­tano…

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